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Gift Accounting & Legal

Development Support Fee

The Development Support Fee is a 2% fee on all gifts, excluding gifts to the Chancellor’s Fund for Excellence.

What is the purpose of the Development Support Fee?

The LSU Health Foundation works everyday to help the LSU Health Sciences Center achieve its vision of excellence. The support fee is a revenue source used to cover the expenses associated with this work.

What are the LSU Health Foundation’s current sources of revenue?

The LSU Health Foundation’s operations are not financially supported by the LSU Health Sciences Center, LSU, or the State of Louisiana. Our largest source of revenue is the 2.5% annual investment management fee charged on all funds. Other sources of revenue are the 2% development support fee, business development operations, and donations directly for the Foundation’s operating account.

What is your credit card merchant fee?

Our online merchant charges on average a 3.2% processing fee on all credit card transactions.


You should advise the broker that you want to make a gift to LSU Health Foundation. Preferably, this request should be in the form of a letter containing the following information:

  1. name of the stock
  2. number of shares
  3. your name and address
  4. gift purpose (what the stock will be used to support)

The stock gift will be made to the LSU Health Foundation, New Orleans (federal tax I.D. 72-1115391) for the use of beneficiary colleges, departments and programs within LSU Health or the LSU Health Foundation. Your letter should state the specific purpose of the gift. It is advisable for you to copy the LSU Health Foundation within the letter and to overnight a letter to:

LSU Health Foundation
2000 Tulane Ave/, 4th Floor
New Orleans, LA 70112

If the LSU Health Foundation has an account with the same broker, you can have the stock transferred on the broker’s books. The LSU Health Foundation has the following accounts:

Comerica Bank
Account #: 1-106382.1
Account Name: LSU Health Foundation – Gift Account
DTC #: 2108

Contacts at Comerica Bank are:

  • Jerry D. Coan, (313) 222-4562
  • Kyle Kalajian, (313) 222-9392

The unendorsed certificate should be sent via Federal Express or a similar guaranteed overnight delivery service to Comerica Bank. You must also send a properly executed stock power, in blank, to Comerica Bank. The stock power must be sent separately from the stock certificate and signed identical to the way that your name is shown on the stock certificate. You do not need to have the stock certificate reissued in the name of Comerica Bank.

Comerica Bank
Attn: Receipt Coordinator, Mail Code 3404
411 W. Lafayette
Detroit, MI 48226

Tel: (313) 222-3370

A gift of mutual fund shares must be handled differently and requires additional processing time. For instructions, contact Lee Trumble. In order for you to receive a tax deduction for a specific year, the following requirements must be met:

  1. If you physically deliver the certificate to us, a representative of the LSU Health Foundation must have physical possession of the certificate by the end of the day on December 31.
  2. If you mail the certificate to us, the certificate and the stock power must be postmarked on or before December 31.
  3. If transferred on the books of the broker, the transfer must be shown on the books of the company; to accomplish this, you or your broker must make the transaction with the company by the end of the day on December 31.
    1. ACAT (Automated Customer Account Transfer) Eligible Firms – Our transfer agent, MSCS, will initiate a partial ACAT from participating #5954 to facilitate the transfer of the mutual funds.
    2. Non-ACAT Transfer – Please contact the Asset Transfer Group for mutual fund instructions by sending an email to:
For more questions about Bank Wire and Stock Gift instructions, please call 504-568-3712.

TAF Points

Your Donations May be Eligible for TAF Priority Points

Understanding the TAF Priority Point System