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Ways To Give

4 ways to give now

Please consider giving online to make an immediate impact. LSU Health’s top priority funds are the LSU Health Excellence Fund and each Dean’s Fund.


Click the button below and select a fund to make a one-time or recurring gift via credit card.


Call us!


Click the button below to download, fill and print out the form. Then mail it to:

LSU Health Foundation
2000 Tulane Avenue, 4th Floor
New Orleans, LA 70112

Payroll Deduction

If you are an LSU Health employee, you can make a one-time or recurring gift via payroll deduction.

Planned Gifts

Start here by learning the different planned gift options available to you. We will work with you to find a charitable plan that lets you provide for your family and support LSU Health New Orleans.

Polular Gifts

Wills and Living Trusts

Beneficiary Designations

IRA Charitable Rollover

Charitable Remainder Trusts

Memorial and Tribute Gifts

Donor Advised Funds

Endowed Gifts

Charitable Lead Trusts

Sample Bequest Language

If you are considering leaving a gift in your will to support LSU Health New Orleans, you may wish to share the following sample bequest language with your advisors.

“I bequeath to LSU Health Foundation New Orleans ________ [the remainder of my estate/XX percent of my estate/$X/or other specific legacy], to be used ________ [for the benefit of LSU Health New Orleans/for general support of the School of _______ /to establish a scholarship/for another intended purpose in my name/in accordance with my gift agreement with LSU Health Foundation New Orleans].”

Already included us in your estate plan?

Let us know by clicking the button below and completing the form.


We are grateful for your generous support, and we take our responsibilities seriously. LSU Health Foundation assets are private funds that can be used only for the benefit of LSU Health and in accordance with donor intent. The tenets of the Donor Bill of Rights guide our relationships with donors.

What is an Endowed Gift?

The purpose of an endowment is to provide a source of perpetual funding. Endowed gifts to the LSU Health Foundation fund scholarships, professorships, chairs and other programs and initiatives that are meaningful to our donors and LSU Health New Orleans. When a donor establishes an endowment fund, that gift is invested in an LSU Health Foundation endowed pool to provide perpetual funding for the purpose chosen by the donor. Each year, a portion of the total return from the endowed gift can be expended as per the purpose(s) established by the donor. This portion is between 4-5% of the market value.

You can establish a named endowed fund to recognize and honor friends, family members, colleagues and mentors, or to simply provide support for the university in perpetuity. You can designate your named fund to provide support for LSU Health in general or for any school or program.

Endowment Fund Minimums

Our minimum level of $50,000 for endowment funds help to ensure that each gift can, in perpetuity, meet the needs of the program the donor chooses to support. Some programs may require a higher level of support.

Named Endowed Scholarship: $50,000
Professorship: $100,000
Lecture Series: $250,000


Few gifts offer greater satisfaction than a gift to scholarships. By supporting scholarships you are playing an irreplaceable role in fulfilling a student’s dream – a dream of helping others by becoming a healthcare professional. Donors will have a lasting impact on today’s students and the promise of their future medical careers.

Join us in creating life-changing opportunities for students at the LSU Health New Orleans. Gifts of any size make a difference and will have an impact immediately, as funds raised now determine how many scholarships will be made available.

Make a difference in the lives of our students. For more information about how your support of scholarships can help benefit students, contact the Foundation at 504-568-3712.

A minimum gift of $50,000 is required to establish an endowed fund and donations of any amount can be applied to help support existing LSU Health Foundation scholarships.

Thank you for your generosity!

If you have already made a gift to the LSU Health Foundation, please let us know. We would like to thank you and welcome you into our legacy society. By letting us know, we can ensure that we fulfill your gift exactly as you intended. Please complete the form below or contact us at 504-568-3712 to let us know.

Information you share will be kept confidential and we respect any desire to remain anonymous.