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LSU Health New Orleans Graduates New Members of Health Care Workforce

New Orleans, LA – Students from LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans’ six professional health schools will graduate during its 143rd  Commencement on Thursday, May 18, 2017, at 10:00 a.m. at the University of New Orleans Lakefront Arena.

Graduates include students from LSU Health New Orleans’ schools of Allied Health Professions, Nursing, Public Health, Graduate Studies, Dentistry, and Medicine. Dr. Larry H. Hollier, LSU Health New Orleans Chancellor, will preside over the ceremony.  James Williams, of the LSU Board of Supervisors, will confer degrees. Gregory C. Feirn, Chief Executive Officer of LCMC Health, will deliver the Commencement Address.

Nearly 900 students completed degree requirements this academic year. The vast majority of students – 90% – are from 44 Louisiana parishes. Women comprise 65% of the class.

“The impact of LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans’ commencement reaches far beyond our faculty, students and their loved ones,” said Dr. Larry Hollier, LSU Health New Orleans Chancellor. “It is our graduates who take care of people in Louisiana or become research scientists whose discoveries advance treatment or prevent disease and faculty members to educate and train future generations of Louisiana health care professionals.”

The 143rd Commencement will bring the total number of degrees and certificates awarded by LSU Health New Orleans since its founding to 39,454.