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Cutting Out Women’s Cancer – September 9, 2020 at noon

September is GYNECOLOGIC CANCER AWARENESS month and LSU Health New Orleans’ Division of Gynecologic Oncology invites you to participate in this zoom call with our own gynecologic oncologists Dr. Jernigan, Dr. Nair, and Dr. Castellano, as well as gynecologic cancer survivors to learn more about the state of gynecologic cancer in Louisiana, prevention and treatment options, and to hear survivor perspectives. Read more about the Division of Gynecologic Oncology here.

Register for this webinar here:
September 9, 2020 12pm

Contribute to the LSU New Orleans Gynecologic Oncology Fund:

Your support will be directed to the LSU Health New Orleans Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Section of Gynecologic Oncology and used to support the areas of greatest need for Gynecologic Oncology, such as:

To support patients as they pursue cancer care, especially underserved women.
support scientific discovery through high quality cancer research; and/or
To promote a culture of learning, yielding the highest quality women’s health providers to service Louisiana for years to come.

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The LSU Health Foundation Webseries: Informational Talks with LSU Health Experts
The LSU Health Foundation invites you to tune in to our informational webseries on a variety of healthcare topics.