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2019 Chicken Jam: Fun & Fried Chicken for a Purpose

The Gulf South region is eagerly awaiting the Fourth Annual Chicken Jam, a fun-filled opportunity to eat fried chicken, listen to music, and play in the Kids Area – all in support of saving lives and ending cancer.

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Hosted by The Al Copeland Foundation (ACF), the Chicken Jam was conceived as a way to celebrate Al Copeland Sr.’s life, honor his legacy and raise funds for cancer research. This year’s Chicken Jam will be held 2 to 7 p.m. Saturday, July 6, in the New Orleans Lakefront Arena. Featuring live performances by local bands, food vendors and, of course, fried chicken, the evening is a much anticipated family-friendly event. Pre-purchase tickets are available online at Parking is free.

All proceeds from this year’s Chicken Jam will be donated to LSU Health Foundation (LSUHF) in support of the LSU Health New Orleans (LSUHNO) Stanley S. Scott Cancer Center. To date, ACF has provided more than $1.8 million in critical funding to LSUHF in support of cancer research.

“The Al Copeland Foundation was founded based on a promise to end cancer right here at home,” said Al Copeland Jr., Chairman of the Board and CEO of ACF.

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“Funding from this year’s Chicken Jam will support our immunotherapy clinical trials, one of the most promising cancer therapy approaches being investigated today,” said LSUHNO Chancellor Dr. Larry Hollier. Immunotherapy is a treatment that utilizes the patient’s immune system to help fight the cancer. Cancer immunotherapy clinical trials conducted at LSUHNO are bringing vital treatment to patients right here in New Orleans.

“LSU Health New Orleans is one of a few sites able to offer this clinical trial, and patients with advanced Merkel cell carcinoma in our area will no longer have to travel long distances to participate,” added Dr. Hollier.

In response to increased cancer diagnosis rates in Louisiana and decreased federal funding for cancer research, ACF and LSUHNO formed a partnership to study viruses, conduct cancer and immunotherapy research, and provide education and patient programs at LSUHNO. Louisiana currently ranks 4th in the nation overall for cancer deaths.

Read more about restaurateur Al Copeland Sr., his battle with Merkel cell carcinoma, and his vision to end cancer.

For more information about the mission and work of ACF, visit

Pre-event tickets are available online, by visiting the Lakefront Arena Box Office at 6801 Franklin Ave.; or any Copeland’s of New Orleans or Cheesecake Bistro by Copeland’s restaurant.